How to delete skype history from my computer
How to delete skype history from my computer

how to delete skype history from my computer
  1. #How to delete skype history from my computer how to#
  2. #How to delete skype history from my computer windows#

  • The Dialog box will appear, In that dialog box you have to type ~/Library/Application Support/Skype and click Go.
  • In the menu bar, click on Go To Folder.
  • Now, find the folder with Name Skype and get inside it by clicking on that folder, and in that folder delete with the Skype User nNme folder which you don't want to see in top-down menu of Skype.
  • Skype folder in your home folder, press the Ctrl+H key combination on your keyboard to make sure you can see the hidden files and folders.
  • Some time the system doesn't take you to the appropriate place through cmd as files you are searching for may be hidden so, if you cant find the.
  • Now Delete the folder with the Skype User Name you don't want to see in top-down menu.
  • Type %appdata%\Skype there and click OK.
  • Skype folder, delete the folder with the Skype User Name out of which you dont want to see.

    #How to delete skype history from my computer how to#

    Or press start and H key combination, it will take you to run cmd. How to Clear Skype User Name History from the Log-in screen. Click Start, type "run" and press Enter.First of all you have to Quit Skype and make sure that Skype is no longer running.When you restart your system, The Skype Name folder you removed from home earlier will no longer be displayed on top-down menu of Skype. Now, find the folder with Name Skype and get inside it by clicking on that folder, and in that folder delete the Skype User Name folder which you don't want to see in top-down menu of Skype.Some time the Linux system doesn't take you to the appropriate place through cmd as files you are searching for may be hidden so, if you cant find the.Skype folder, delete the folder with the Skype User Name out of which you don't want to see in top-down menu of Skype. Where YOURLINUXUSERNAME needs to be replaced with your Linux user account name.

    how to delete skype history from my computer

    #How to delete skype history from my computer windows#

    System Configuration -> Go to the Startup tab -> Find the list of Windows Startup applications -> Search for Skype -> Uncheck it -> Apply -> OK. Then go to /home/YOURLINUXUSERNAME/.Skype. Here is another way to stop Skype from being a part of your computer’s boot process: Windows logo key + R -> Type msconfig.exe into the Run box -> Enter.So to remove Skype name from the log-in screen follow the steps below: When you sign in to Skype, your Skype Log-In name is saved automatically on the sign in screen top-down menu, only if you log-in successfully.

    How to delete skype history from my computer